

May 2020

I was recently interviewed by Now To Love regarding changing careers and becoming a Clinical Nutritionist. The interview process was deeply thought provoking and reminded me how paralysing fear can feel if you don't process it and work through it. The best way to do so is with the best people surrounding you. Chose wisely your team and always seek opportunity in which everyone can flourish, including yourself.


DEc 2019

The end of 2019 saw my completion of a BHSc in Nutritional Medicine + Dietetic Medicine. Being awarded a Highly Commended 2019 Student of the Year by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society was an unexpected and thrilling achievement to celebrate the 6 years of study I had dedicated great heart and diligence to. The Awards Gala Dinner was a night I will never forget. Thank you to my incredible husband, my dad and mum for being with me on this night, and for ATMS and the phenomenal supervisors and lecturers at Endeavour College Sydney campus who nominated me. For me, this award speaks to the power of team and collaboration, passion and passionate service. Thank you.

May 2020

I was interviewed by Endeavour College of Natural Health about finding your love and passion, and being a little older when doing so. There are some great upsides to changing careers in your 30s and 40s, and yes, always the challenges. Let your love and passion to do something bigger than self speak louder than your fears.



making a splash soon!

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash