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Empowering you to proactively ease your dis-ease and achieve the health you desire and deserve.


Nutrition Consultation - Initial

You are the expert on your health. Our initial meeting is therefore a time for us to chat about your health journey so far, assess physical signs and symptoms and identify what may be holding you back from achieving what you desire. Together, we will decide on a treatment plan outlining next steps that best suit your current situation and journey you toward abundant health. We want to ensure we are thorough with the process so we dedicate 75-90 minutes in order to do so.

Initial Consultation - 75-90 minutes

Standard Consultation - Follow Up

Follow-up’s and check-in’s keep us on track, acknowledge successes and identify pitfalls. Nutrition follow ups are just the same - we’ll delve in to how you are progressing with your treatment plan, celebrate where diet and nutrients have reduced symptoms and improved health, and what we need to tweak in order to continue building on a strong foundation of nutritional self-care.

Standard Consultation - 30-45 minutes

Magnesium Assessment

Sore and fatigued muscles? Not recovering from workouts as quickly as you used to? Muscle cramps or twitches? Low energy or waking unrefreshed? Stressed?

Magnesium is involved in over 300 reactions in the body, and if you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, your body may be telling you that your magnesium levels are low. Book in for a 10 minute chat today.

Express Consultation - 15min

Nutritional Medicine STUDENT Mentoring

Are you a current Nutritional Medicine student in your final years of study? Navigate these important semesters with the support of someone who has been there, done that, and thrived. Develop your fullest potential as a practitioner and fall in love with the art and science of becoming the change you so desire to be in this world.

Standard Consultation - 1 hour

Acute Care Appointment

A convenient 15 minute appointment for us to discuss and provide practical solutions to relieve acute symptoms related to colds, sore throat, and flu. Available to new and existing patients. If other disease in your body is concerning you, a more in-depth consultation may be required, outside of this 15-minute consultation. We are happy to chat briefly with you about your concerns and then together decide a best way forward.

Express Consultation - 15 minutes
